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You can find out which service provider to contact with which problem from the list below.

Tettye Forrásház Zrt.


Rupture in the water main



Pécsi Megyei Jogú Város Polgármesteri Hivatala


A Polgármesteri Hivatal felé irányuló bejelentések


Biokom Nonprofit Ltd.


Damage reporting

Reporting problems with green areas and public places

Reporting common ragweed

Reporting public lighting problems

Reporting ditch cleaning needs

Reporting damaged or missing drain and road covers

Reporting or queries about potholes

Requesting or queries about playground modernisation

Requesting or queries about sand replacement in sand pits

Requesting or queries about establishing a dog park

Requesting or queries about collecting bees or wasps

Requesting or queries about exterminating rats

Requesting or queries about mosquito control

Requesting or queries about work to be done in public places

Pécsi Köztemető


A Pécsi Köztemetővel kapcsolatos bejelentés


Dél-Kom Nonprofit Ltd.


Reporting problems of waste collection/waste pickup, or missed waste pickup


Pécsi Közterület-felügyelet


Elhagyatott, rossz állapotú jármű bejelentése