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Pécs Ballet

The first modern Hungarian ballet company was founded by Imre Eck in 1960 from the dance department of the National Theatre of Pécs. The art of modern dance inspired by the founder laid the foundations for modern ballet dance in Hungary. The directors of the company were Sándor Tóth from 1969, Isvtán Herczog from 1992, Gábor Keveházi and Attila Egerházi from 2001, and Balázs Vincze has been the director since 2005.

Pivotal achievements under the leadership of Balázs Vince include creating a professionally acclaimed ballet company, retaining and expanding their dance loving audience, and becoming independent of the National Theatre of Pécs. After 11 years of struggle, the independent ballet company was established. In January 2017, Pécs County Seat founded the professionally and economically independent Pécs Ballet Non-profit Limited Liability Company and appointed Balázs Vince director.

Therefore, since 2017 Pécs Ballet has been operating as an independent cultural organisation drawing on the greatest traditions of modern dance. The Company has become indisputably one of the most renowned and leading professional dance companies in Hungary. Prestigious domestic and international guest performances, and the continued interest of the audience all point to the quality work the Company has been doing. The unique and distinct dance language of the company draws on a wide range of traditions. The artistic unity achieved in their successful dance theatre is the result of integrating dancing with innovative visual and dramaturgical devices. The strong, closely-knit, and highly professional company has staged many significant performances.

Since 2017, the seat of Pécs Ballet has been in Zsolnay Cultural Quarter – a venue that represents the goals and ideals of Pécs 2010 European Cultural Capital (ECC) Programme. It has a symbolic significance that the two easily exportable brands of Pécs – ‘Zsolnay’ and ‘Pécs Ballet’ – have become intertwined. Since Pécs Ballet was a European Cultural Capital Ambassador, it is only fitting that the company has become the resident ballet company of Zsolnay Cultural Quarter – the venue of the largest ECC investment.

Pécsi Balett Pécs

Since 1 October 2017, Teodóra Uhrik, one of the founding members of the company has been the managing director of Pécs Ballet. Her name is inextricably intertwined with Pécs Ballet, since as a founding member, she has been working for the first Hungarian modern dance company for six decades. First, a leading ballet dancer, then a dance teacher, she is currently fulfilling a well-deserved role within the company as managing director. Balázs Vincze is taking care of operational matters as art director. Although they both seek to continue the direction they started at the new millennium, being an independent dance company, they also wish to strengthen their Hungarian and international renown as a major cultural export brand of Pécs. As an independent dance company, it can spread the good reputation of Pécs in the world via the universal language of dancing, thus fulfilling its ECC mission.

Pécs Ballet, established in 1960 as a department of the National Theatre of Pécs, was the first modern dance company in Hungary. The founder, Imre Eck’s modern approach to ballet resulted in a paradigm shift in dancing, which paved the way for the development of modern dance in Hungary. The success of the dance company drawing on Eck’s new approach served as inspiration for Győr Ballet, established 20 years later, then for Szeged Contemporary Dance Company, and for many other bigger and smaller modern and contemporary dance groups.

The domestic and international performances of Pécs Ballet and the role it has played for decades in Hungarian dance culture do not only represent but also shape our national and cultural identity.  The dance artists, choreographers, composers, set- and costume designers seek to create an artistic experience that presents the most important and most salient features of Hungarian and Central-European dance culture when staging a dance performance. The choreographies have frequently been based on the music of significant Hungarian composers. Their form of expression draws on classical ballet using modern dance techniques – suitable for addressing contemporary audiences.

The professional and public recognition of artists and creative people involved with the company demonstrates the continued high-quality work of Pécs Ballet.

  • Imre Eck – holder of Kossuth and Liszt Prize and the title of Merited and Excellent Artist
  • Sándor Liszt – holder of Liszt Prize and the title of Merited Artist
  • István Herczog – holder of Harangozó Gyula Award
  • Attila Egerházi – holder of Harangozó Gyula Award
  • Gábor Keveházi – holder of Kossuth and Liszt Prize and the title of Merited and Excellent Artist, and life-long member of the ‘Company of Immortal Artists’
  • Balázs Vincze – holder of Harangozó Gyula Award, Imre Zoltán and Seregi Award, and the Grand Cross Chain
  • Teodóra Uhrik – founding member and current managing director holds many awards
  • Hungarian Dance University – Award for the Art of Dance (2019)
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Teachers – Award for the Art of Dance (2018)
  • Pro Civitate Commemorative Medal (2014)
  • Bonis Bona Award (2013)
  • Apáczai Csere János Award (2011)
  • Commander’s Cross with Star of the Hungarian Order of Merit (2011)
  • Life-long member of the ‘Company of Immortal Artists’ (2010)
  • Martyn Ferenc Foundation – Life Achievement Award (2008)
  • Life Achievement Award (2005)
  • Kossuth Prize (2002)
  • Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit (1997)
  • Merited Artist (1982)
  • Liszt Ferenc Prize (1976)
  • Pro Communitate
  • Pro Urbe
  • Award of Excellence for Teaching

The professional and public recognition of the company’s artistic work compares to the critical and social acclaim of the Company in the Eck-era.

Due to the high-quality work of the company, they have been invited as guest performers to several prestigious Hungarian and international events. In 2001, Pécs Ballet received Pro Communitate Award from Pécs County Seat, the title Ambassador of Pécs 2010 European Cultural Capital Programme in 2008, and County Prima Award from the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers in 2009. More recently, the following prestigious professional awards and state prizes have been awarded to current members of Pécs Ballet.


  • Harangozó Gyula Award: Katalin Ujvári


  • Association of Hungarian Dance Teachers – Award for the Art of Dance: Teodóra Uhrik
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists: The Most Promising Debutant of the Season Award: Karin Iwata
  • Fülöp Viktor Grant: Zsolt Molnár
  • Esztrád Theatre Art Grant: Dávid Matola


  • Seregi László Award: Balázs Vincze
  • Harangozó Gyula Award: Zsolt Molnár
  • Fülöp Viktor Grant: Márton Szabó


  • Knight’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit: Tünde Czebe
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Female Dance Artist of the Season: Katalin Ujvári
  • Fülöp Viktor Grand: Soma Kerekes, Dávid Matola
  • Esztrád Theatre Art Grant: Márton Szabó


  • Excellent Artist of Hungary Award: Pál Lovas
  • Officer’s Cross of the Hungarian Order of Merit: Zsuzsanna Kovács
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Male Dance Artist of the Season: Márton Szabó


  • Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit: Balázs Vincze
  • Pro Civitate Commemorative Medal: Teodóra Uhrik
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Female Dance Artist of the Season: Edit Domoszlai


  • Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit: Ágnes Bajnai
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Male Dance Artist of the Season: Péter Koncz
  • Fülöp Viktor Grant: Márton Szabó


  • Harangozó Gyula Award: Írisz Nagy
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Male Dance Artist of the Season: Zsolt Molnár
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Award for Dance Teaching: Pál Lovas


  • Commander’s Cross with Star of the Hungarian Order of Merit: Teodóra Uhrik, founding member
  • Imre Zoltán Award: Balázs Vincze
  • Award for Excellence for the National Theatre of Pécs: Tünde Czebe
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Female Dance Artist of the Season: Írisz Nagy
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Life Achievement Award: Sándor Tóth, founding member, former director
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists –The Most Promising Debutant of the Season Award: Márton Szabó
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists: The Best Senior Student Award: Szilárd Tuboly


  • Harangozó Gyula Award: Balázs Vincze
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists – Best Female Dance Artist of the Season: Szilvia Balássy
  • Association of Hungarian Dance Artists –Life Achievement Award: Mária Bretus, founding member

2009 Association of Hungarian Dance Artists –Award for Dance Teaching and Dance Science: Márta Rónay, founding member