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Kezdőlap / Experiences / Playgrounds in Pécs

Playgrounds in Pécs

Tettye playground with a lot of slides and many toys in a green environment.

Zsolnay Quarter playground directly next to Bóbita Puppet Theatre, in a neat environment.

Leó Szilárd playground, the first themed playground (in the heart of Uránváros), which also has a cake shop and ice cream shop next to it.

Mandulás playground—an old wooden playground next to the zoo in Mecsek.

Esperanto playground is found in the heart of the city centre, next to Széchenyi tér, enclosed in a shaded park.

Mezőszél playground is a modern, all-inclusive playground with a drinking fountain built in the place of a 25-level building.

Tüskés-rét playground next to the lake and sports grounds.

Prehistoric Creatures hosting playground in Béke Park (Uránváros).