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Kezdőlap / Contact / Questionnaire – October 2021

Questionnaire – October 2021

Dear Managers,

We would like to continue the dialogue we started at the beginning of the year when we invited you to share your thoughts about the effects of Covid-19 and your plans for the year. Based on the results, the municipal government has created new opportunities and programmes and made new development plans.

In the present questionnaire, you are invited to answer questions about three topics including 1) current challenges and future plans, 2) the visibility and the usefulness of innovations provided by Pécs, and 3) the skills and competences of employees, particularly, fresh graduates entering the labour market – a research topic of interest to the city of Pécs and to the University of Pécs as well.

Completing the questionnaire will take about 10 minutes.

Köszönjük a segítségét! 

A kérdőív kitöltése kb. 10 percet vesz igénybe.