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Secondary education

Secondary schools


There are 17 secondary grammar schools and 6 vocational schools in Pécs providing education to 8900 students. In the 2020s, 1300 students graduated from grammar schools and over 700 from vocational schools.

All grammar schools provide specialised classes to meet the expectations of students, parents, and the labour market. Usually, students learn two foreign languages in a grammar school. Specialised classes in English and/or German and in IT are offered in almost every grammar school. There are bilingual classes where instruction takes places in two languages: in Hungarian and in one of the following foreign languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Croatian, and German as an ethnic minority language. Specialised classes in humanities and sciences are also offered in schools, so students can choose a class in line with their abilities and interests.

Baranya County Vocational Training Centre (Baranya Megyei Szakképzési Centrum: BMSzC) is collaborating with 12 vocational training institutions in 7 settlements in Baranya County to provide trainings based on traditional values that can satisfy present-day and future economic needs. The Centre where 6500 students are enrolled is the largest vocational training centre in Southern Transdanubia. Students can choose from a wide variety of trainings ranging from motor vehicle mechatronics technician, software developer and tester technician to decorator and confectioner. Similarly to the University of Pécs, the Centre welcomes old and new investors in Pécs and can provide specific training courses upon request.