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Mária Apagyi: Piano dream - Creative piano learning

The piano tutorial published in three volumes by Mária Apagyi is a collection of good practice of piano teaching that the author had started collecting as early as 1968. The three books are more than a traditional piano tutorial, as the author points out interdisciplinary relationships that she discovered while working as a piano tutor over the decades. The books broaden the horizons of piano teachers and students alike by pinpointing similarities between the elements of music, arts, and nature.

These discoveries have changed teachers’ and students’ attitudes to piano teaching and learning, the relationship between the piano teacher and their students, and the emphasis shifted in the teaching material to more creative approaches. This novel approach has made learning more systematic and holistic, which may contribute to the formation of a healthy mindset in the youth. Generations of pianists who have achieved national and international acclaim used the book that presents the most important discoveries and good practices of the author.

Although the books were written in Pécs, they have been widely used not only in Hungary but all over the world as well. For example, there is a great demand for integrating the holistic and systematic approaches of the books and the “blue book” into Japanese piano education that mainly focuses on teaching techniques while disregarding holistic learning.