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Parking information

Detailed information on parking is available at

Parking zones

Parking fees

Smart parking system in Pécs

A total of 709 sensors have been installed in three phases in the non-traffic-calmed areas of the city centre. These allow drivers to see exactly which parking spaces are free in the streets in question via a phone application.

A total of seven information boards are available for drivers’ convenience:

  • two displays at the junction of the Nagy Lajos király street – Centrum car park, showing the parking spaces in Centrum car park
  • One display at Rákóczi street – Váradi Antal street, showing the parking spaces in Váradi Antal street, Eötvös József street, Dischka Győző street, Zrínyi Miklós street és Jókai Mór street
  • two displaysat the intersection of Hal tér and Rákóczi street, showing the parking spaces in Tímár street, Fürdő street, Goldmark Károly street, Toldi Miklós street, Munkácsy Mihály street, Perczel Miklós street, Gábor street, Bercsényi János street, Lyceum street
  • two displays at the intersection of Felsőmalom street and Route 6 showing the parking spaces in Tímár street, Fürdő street, Goldmark Károly street, Toldi Miklós street, Munkácsy Mihály street, Perczel Miklós street, Gábor street, Bercsényi Miklós street, Lyceum street, Felsőmalom street és Király street