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Pécs Cathedral Association of Large Families

Pécs Cathedral Association of Large Families has been active in Pécs as a member of the National Association of Large Families (NOÉ) since 1989 – involving over 280 families today. Our main goals include strengthening a sense of responsibility for marriage, the value of parenting, and the importance of family life. Our further goals include pointing out and raising society’s awareness of the values of big families such as the ability to make selfless sacrifices for love, to share things, to enjoy abundance in small things, to value important things, to accept the young and the weak, and to give joyfully – in accordance with Christian values. These values have not changed in the past 30 years. The Association is not a religious organisation and is fully independent of political parties. We have established a community that supports itself and its members and carries out various activities such as advocating interests, counselling, providing help, organising programmes and, passing on donations to people in need.

We have made a conscious decision to have a large family with many children and all the difficulties going with it. We believe living in a large family is good! Today, society knows that “large families are not part of the problem but they are part of the solution!”

We and our volunteers organise versatile events such as presentations, trainings, educational programmes, trips, sports days, candle lighting during the Advent season, arts-and-crafts days, May 1st celebrations, and collective holidays. Our events, for example, the Family Afternoon or the World Marriage Day, organised every year are open to everyone. As a non-profit organisation we seek to serve the interests not only of our members but also of every small and large family.

In 2002, a four-day Family Congress hosting 4000 people in Pécs was organised jointly by our Association and the National Association of Large Families.

In 2010, the National Congress of Large Families attended by 2500 participants from all regions of Hungary was held at Tettye Park. Our Association received the NOE Award from the National Association of Large Families for these activities.

Our programmes are funded by projects.

Our Association has been responsible for managing a region of four counties including 15 associations of large families since 2005. We organise trainings for them, give them donations, and help them with project applications, as well as with legal and other matters. Members can meet on Family Festival Days offering programmes to children and adults alike.

We have a good relationship with the local government that concluded a community culture agreement with the Association in 2019. We are collaborating with other civil organisations in the city to help families in Pécs.  We are a member of the Confederation of Family Associations in the Carpathian Basin, so we can meet our brothers and sisters from countries across the borders. We can learn a lot from each other.

Since 2015 we have been running the House of Families, Volunteers, and Enablement in the county.

Our headquarter called House of Families is located at 4 Szabó József utca, Pécs.

Source of photos and text: Pécsi Székesegyház Nagycsaládos Egyesület / Nyitólap (