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Pécs Walking Tours

3 walking tours of Pécs

We offer our visitors three walking tours carefully planned with a new approach, which are only available here. The themes of the walking tours were inspired by Pécs’s notable buildings, statues, historical significance and/or clear touristic benefits and experiences. The thematic routes are designed to present the existing features, creating a chain of the city’s values, such as its heritage and wine culture.

During the route planning, the duration and difficulty of the walking tour are indicated.


Old “tüke” families of Pécs and the grapevines, or tracing the wines of Pécs

(in German and English)

Distance: 3.7 km

Duration: 3 hours

Route: 100-year-old Winery, (via Ferencesek and Jókai utca) Tüke Fountain, Lóránt Palace; Széchenyi-tér Bortársaság, (via Megye utca) Papnövelde str. 6., beginning of Kálvária domb, Vörös Fountain, Bacchanalia statue, Klimo library, Pezsgőház, Dome Lapidary, Cathedral, Püspöki Pince winery (with wine tasting option)


“They used to say about the city: Pécs is a Mediterranean, vine-grower, Catholic city. Viticulture has grown such deep roots here in Medieval times already, that it was included in the strictly set Catholic liturgy.”


History walking on the streets

(in German and English)

The history of the buildings from Szigeti városkapu to Budai vársokapu

Themed walking tour in 1.5–2 hours


“The tinkle of the tram could be heard on 31 August 1960 for the last time on the narrow streets of Pécs. But the city has preserved a few artefacts of the old tramline: the tram depot still stands, sections of tracks are hidden in the asphalt here and there, and some buildings in the centre still have the hooks that used to hold up the overhead power lines. Today’s walking tour follows the tracks of the old tramline from Szigeti városkapu to Budai városkapu, discovering the stories urban history tells us along the way.”


The significance of György Kiss, creator of the first public statue in Pécs

Distance: 1 km

Elevation Gain: Lookout tower – 133 steps

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Route: Dóm tér; Gosztonyi tér; Székesegyház yard – undercroft and lookout tower; Dóm tér – Szepesy statue; Káptalan street; Széchenyi square


“The stories of public statues are much more interesting than one might think. We rarely think about what these metal or stone items are that surround us. Besides rubbing their protruding parts for luck or taking a selfie with a famous figure sitting on a bench, often we do not know whose statue it actually is, in what style, from what material it was made, and especially what its story is, or who the sculptor is. The theme for this walking tour is the first public sculptor of Hungary, who was the creator of Pécs’s emblematic statues: the sculptor György Kiss.”


Gamified walking tour with Made in Pécs magazine

We invite you for a fun challenge, to add a bit of excitement and some puzzles to the walking tour. The point is: we give you the route and stops of the downtown tour “in code”, so you will have to figure out yourself where to go next. Some stops also have a small task to be completed, to break the monotony of the walk a little.


Start: The main square of the city

  1. stop: Start walking on a street the Hungarian name of which means: a member of a female order living according to strict regulations in a closed community, who has taken vows.
  2. stop: At the end of this street, “somebody” is watching you from the top of the building. Find them!
  3. stop: Tamás Vigh’s sculpture titled Régészet (“Archeology”) is not far from here. The female figure seems to form a number with her right hand. What number is it?
  4. stop: Go toward the old dam until you reach the statue of a former bishop of Pécs.
  5. stop: Not far from here, there is a passage to the glass top of Cella Septichora. Walk that direction!
  6. stop: Have you been to a concert in Káptalan Kert during the summer? Go that way! There is something written on the impressive entrance of the open-air concert venue. What is it?
  7. stop: The route continues in the direction of the first public library established by a bishop of Pécs in 1774.
  8. stop: The building used to be an important academic institution. You can learn about it from a plaque above the entrance. Can you find it?
  9. stop: From the north side of Széchenyi tér, go toward the “Cuisine of the Spirit”.
  10. stop: Angels are watching over you from above the windows of Nr. 13 in a street bearing a woman’s name. If you find them, you are at the right place.
  11. stop: Now go a little farther and look for the site of an old organ and harmonium manufacture.
  12. stop: Have you ever tried Velen beer? You can do so at the next stop, but this time only take one to go—provided they are open of course.
  13. stop: Turn south and walk toward Király utca.
  14. stop: The city used to be surrounded by a wall. One of its gates was located on Király utca. There is a memorial in its place today. What was the name of this gate? Can you find it?

Finish: You have reached the end of the tour. Take a rest—feel free to do it sitting on the ruins of the city gate. We hope you had some fun during this short hour, and we are glad you joined us in this small adventure.