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Szalon Beer of Pécs

Pécs Brewery is the oldest continuously operating brewery in Hungary with 167 years of experience in the field of brewing beer. The Brewery uses its own high quality karst water, a “gift” of Mecsek mountain, to brew beer. Szalon Beer has been on the dining table of families in Pécs for 108 years.
Today Szalon Beer is a preferred social beer in the pubs near the university campus. The brand Szalon beer has been served in hotels, restaurants, and other catering facilities in Pécs.

It shows the dedication of the factory founding family that they requested the permit to use the city’s coat of arms on the packaging and on the embossed bottles from the Local Council of Pécs Free Royal City. The request was granted by the Council for 200 Hungarian koronas. The coat of arms was used until the nationalisation of the company in 1948. When the company was privately owned again in 1993, the new owner wanted to preserve the values of the past and respect the brewery’s and the Szalon brand’s ties to Pécs, so the coat of arms of Pécs Free Royal City was used again on the label and on the neck ribbon of bottled Szalon beer as well on canned Szalon beer. The emblem plays an important role in brand marketing and in promoting a Pécs value.

Pannonia Brewery and its successor Pécs Brewery Private Limited Company has entered the product for the most prestigious European beer competition called “Monde Selection” several times. The beer has received gold and silver medals several times from the international jury.