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Szenes Klub

The oldest university club of Pécs was opened in 1972 at the institution then called the University of Teacher Training, by refurbishing a coal cellar with a capacity of 150. It is still located there, under Nr 6 Ijfúság útja, on the ground floor of building A in the campus of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Pécs. Now it has an increased capacity of about 300.

Szenes Klub is known by every resident of Pécs—and definitely by every student. The university club that has defined the cultural and party life of the city for decades was where the success story of Hungarian bands Kispál és a Borz and 30Y started too. András Lovasi and his band rehearsed here, and also had their very first concert in this club in 1987. And Zoltán Beck and his friends played their first sold-out gig in Szenes premiering the Csészényi tér album in 2006. Of course, one must remember that this cult place, which had a serious “facelift” in 2016, is also a key centre for the students of the university through hosting workshops, lecture series, theatrical plays, board game meetings, film clubs, professional evenings and technical discussions. 

So it might not be surprising that the legendary institution is now officially a historical site of Hungarian popular music, as the impossibly named Sub-programme Supporting the Preservation of the Popular Music Heritage of Hungary as part of the National Cultural Fund’s Hangfoglaló Programme Promoting Popular Music has given Szenes the status of “memorial site of popular music history” as part of its “Popular Music Educational Trail” launched in 2015.