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The art of choral singing – Mecsek Choir

The choir and the band of Mecsek Dance Ensemble were founded on 1 September 1957. Later the choir became an independent mixed choir in Pécs called Mecsek Choir. In the past decades, they have achieved national and international success promoting the legendary “choir movement” in Pécs. The success of the choir is associated with the work of five outstanding choir masters: first, Dr. József Hegyi (1957- 1965), followed by Aurél Tillai (1965-1987), Ernő Nagy (1987-2001), and Attila Kertész (2001-2015). Since 2016, Sándor Balatoni, junior Prima Prize winner choir master and organ artist, has overseen the choir.

The main goal of Mecsek Choir is to present to the audience a wide range of Hungarian and international choir pieces. Their repertoire includes choir music from various periods such as religious, secular, acapella, and oratory music. They have participated in numerous national and international choral contests.

They have won several first prizes and special prizes and gained professional recognition at international contests.  In 2010, the choir actively participated in the Pécs2010 European Cultural Capital Programme series as well as in the opening ceremony of Kodály Music Hall. Recently, they have participated in several orchestra concerts. They regularly organise and give festive and jubilee concerts – often in collaboration of with Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra and other Pécs based choirs, as well as Kapos Choir and Lipa Choir from Eszék (in Croatia).

Mecsek Women’s Choir including the female members of Mecsek Choir was established by Attila Kertész in 2001, adding a repertoire of women’s choir music to the repertoire of Mecsek Choir.

Mecsek Choir is a closely-knit community of mostly young singers whose dedication to singing takes them to two-hour-long choir rehearsals twice a week besides their daily jobs and other engagements. It is a great community to belong to