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Accessible Pécs: Pécs for All

Making transportation, administration, events and the overall city life accessible for locals and tourists is a priority in Pécs.

The demand for accessibility and education about it is huge, since accessible locations are not only useful for the disabled, but for the elderly, the families with small children or the temporary hurt people. Not to mention, these spots are more comfortable for everyone, like for universitiy students who often travel with suitcases, of for the elderly carriing huge shopping bags.

We treat everyone equal just like the People First Association, who are one of the city’s expert advisors in this field.

Amongst other actions, People First Association made a database on the institutions, tourist attractions, entertainment centres, accomodations and gastro lcoations, and collected real experiences. All this was used to make Pécs’s accessible database, which is available here. Their goal is to support people in independent living, accessibility and the education on accessible tourism.

Pécs városa folyamatosan törekszik arra, hogy támogassuk az akadálymentes Pécs elképzelést és igyekszünk, hogy semmi akadály ne álljon a Pécsiek és a városunkba érkező turisták elé.

Pécs strives towards supporting the ideas of Accessible Pécs and tries to do everything to eliminate any obstacle in the way of tourists and locals.

Our publication Pécs is Open for Everybody, which was made by the Municipality of the City of Pécs and People First Association is available now.

Accessible Pécs Downloadable Materials Pécs For All

The People First Association looked at the institutions, tourist attractions, entertainment options and hospitality services to gain practical information on them. This information has been collected in an Accessible Pécs database, which is now available in the form of this publication. The aim of the publication is to support independent living on every level, to motivate the companies and institutions of Pécs to shift towards accessibility, and to promote accessible tourism on a large scale. Download the joint publication of the People First Association and the Local Government of Pécs City with County Rights.

Accessible Sights

We proudly present Pécs’s accessible locations. Click the link below for the “accessible database” and its user manual, which was provided to the city by People First Association Pécs.

Accessible parking in Pécs

We proudly present the map navigation view of Pécs’s accessible parking spots. Thanks to Biokom Nonprofit Ltd. and People First Association for the database.


More information:  People First Közhasznú Egyesület-Pécs