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Titles, awards, recognitions

European Capital of Culture: Pécs 2010

Pécs earned this title in 2005. The goal was to “change the scale of culture” in the city. The idea was based on high-scale infrastructural projects like Kodály Centre (concert and conference room) Regional Library and Knowledge Centre, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, Exhibition Space, the reconstruction of state museums and eight districts like the inner city.

Further information:écs2010_Kulturális_Főváros_projekt


Citymarketing Diamond Award

Citymarketing Award is a fusion of 5 different recognitions. Our city achieved the diamond award.

The “Citymarketing Diamon” award is given to an applicant organisation who achieved a high-quality citymarketing campaign in any category in the given period. The Citymarketing Diamond award recognises the work and achievements of the applicant, not the applicant organisation itself.

Further information:

városmarketing gyémántdíj

Website of the Year Award 2021

The biggest competition of domestic online marketing era “Website of the Year” was organised for the 20th time in 2021 by the Hungarian Marketing Association and the Internet Marketing Group. A record number of 331 applications arrived that year, the profesional jury gave out 88 awards. Pécs was recognied in the “best website of a Municipality or Settlement” category. 

Further information:

Az év honlapja

Pécs, the Learning City

The city of Pécs applied

The city of Pécs applied for the award in September 2016, which is a sign of the community and urban development architecture that aims to make and keep a multi-ethnic, multi-religious community an attractive place for learning and to achieve development through learning innovation, whether it is a school-based or extracurricular activity. The city was announced as the winner of the award in January 2017, which was received by a representative of Pécs in Cork, Ireland, in September 2017.

Further information:



PTE Green Univesity

The “Green University” concept is a complex system, which includes the built environment, environmentally conscious operation, the development of attitudes and the creation of an educational and research background. The University currently offers nearly 200 courses on environmental issues and sustainable development. Significant amounts of money are invested in research and the number of publications on the subject is well measured. So the green idea is alive and well! However, there is no doubt that we still have some way to go to make the protection of our planet a key part of our daily lives.

Further information:


zöld egyetem

Investor-friendly Settlement

Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency

In autumn 2015, the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency launched the Investor Friendly Municipalities Programme, which aims to prepare municipalities to deal professionally with investors, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of the overall domestic investment environment.

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9névtelen Terv

European Federation of Wine and Gastronomic Associations (CEUCO)

In 2013, this title was awarded to the city of Pécs. According to the justification, “Pécs is a city where gastronomy, culinary values, arts and historical heritage form a vibrant and exciting unity, as in Pécs: museums, restaurants, early Christian, Renaissance and Turkish monuments, southern sunshine, many tempting café and restaurant terraces and year-round music, literature and art events all add up to an inimitable ‘Pécs spice mix’. (source:

10névtelen Terv

Selected Professional Partner of Hungarian Tourism Agency

The Municipality of Pécs County Municipality has successfully applied for the Hungarian Tourism Agency’s Selected Professional Partner 2021 and Education Partner status, so in addition to the honorary title, Pécs enjoys priority and discounts among the applicants for the professional programmes and events announced by the HTA. This will also help to raise the profile of the city and its region and improve its tourism performance.

Further information:


Névtelen Terv (33)

Pécs is a greenest Hungaria city

The VIRTUAL RESOURCES PROGRAMME (VEP) and its local power plant, the so-called Bavep, led by the University of Pécs (PTE), and its cooperation with the Municipality of Pécs City have resulted in a major step forward in sustainable development and climate protection in Pécs in less than a year – based on the VEP competition: in 2020 Pécs became the greenest city in Hungary.

További információ:


Névtelen Terv (31)

Pécs is a member of “Carpathian Basin Association of the Healthy Cities Movement”

WHO’s European Healthy Cities Network operates since 1988, currently with nearly 100 project cities and 30 international networks, which include almost 1400 local municipalities in the European region. The proejct cities are in direct connection with WHO’s European Regional Office. The Hungarian project cities are Pécs from 1988 and Győr from 1994.

Pécs joined this network as a founding member. According to the General Assembly decision, from 1991,  Foundation for a Healthy City in Pécs manages the local and international coordination of Healthy Cities program.

WHO European Healthy Cities Network:

Carpathian Basin Association of the Healthy Cities Movement:

Foundation for a Healthy City Pécs:

Névtelen Terv (31)